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Research Lines


Research Lines of Mestrado Nacional Profissional em Ensino de Física Professors:


Prof.ª Fabiane Alexsandra Andrade de Jesus


Work Line: Experimental Physics.

Making and implementation of physics experiments, which may be virtual or not, that relate, demonstrate and prove laws of physics. Existing digital learning materials can be applied with a differentiated approach. There is also the possibility of developing new virtual materials, which can bring the interactivity component. To develop such work there is the possibility of using several existing platforms and also free programs for the elaboration of new learning environments, as well as educational games.


Prof. Arturo Rodolfo Samana


Work Line 1: The demystification of Nuclear Physics in High School, literacy action on the basic concepts in Nuclear Physics.

According to a document issued by the Brazilian Society of Physics, the words radiation and radioactivity have become malignant in our society (SBF 2013). In that sense we would like to include the word nuclear in them as well. Improvements in health, preservation of the environment and production of electric energy are, among others, the positive aspects of Nuclear Physics, which, through scientific illiteracy, the sensationalism of the press and scientific fiction have fueled a false mysticism with an apocalyptic vision in this area. We intend in this project to offer the target public a reality from the scientific point of view, of how Nuclear Physics contributes to our daily life and to the evolution and formation of our universe. To this purpose, a booklet, a comic book magazine, or an alternative didactic material, containing the basic concepts in Nuclear Physics and its applications, that can be used in High School, can be implemented.


Work Line 2: On the track of the neutrino hunters.


Within the world of Quantum Mechanics, the study of the existence of certain properties of neutrinos, such as mass, shows a crucial flaw in the understanding of matter. The evolution history of neutrinos from theory to experimental proof for more than six decades is fascinating. Many facts of this new physics are considered complicated and are not present in high school. This qualitative study intends to cover this information vacuum. In particular, we will analyze how the material prepared on the MINERva's Project website 'Neutrinos in the classroom', can be adapted to our reality and applied to High School in Brazil.


Prof. Nestor Correia


Work Line 1: Non-formal Education and Popularization of Science.


The experiences of the Truck with Science (Caminhão com Ciência) and the Cais ConsCiencia during its 12 years of existence at UESC are a reference for studies of the importance of motivating events in non-school settings and contexts. Participatory research. The joy of the discovery process. Idealization, construction, museological implementation and evaluation of the efficacy and educational efficiency of buildings constructed and taken to exhibitions. Critical analysis of at least one exposition of the Truck


Work Line 2: Construction of Sequences Teaching Learning (SEA) with contents of Modern and Contemporary Physics.


It presents the concepts to be discussed in the SEA in all its breadth, depth and precision. It explains the concepts referred to as "difficult" with special attention to the possible simplifications carried out by (mis) spoken "didactic transposition." SEA is constructed, applicated and evaluated.


Prof. Zolacir Trindade de Oliveira Júnior


Lines of action in the area of Physics Teaching (EF):


In the EF area, I have sought to propose an approach that uses Peer Instruction (IPC) and Just In Time Teaching (EsM) as methodologies/technologies to address the subjects of the physics curriculum for the High School (EM). When the subject is to guide students of the MNPEF-UESC, I am willing to address any of the subjects of the EM curriculum using these methodologies/technologies, both those mentioned in the PCN, and those of the PCN+, ie both the subjects traditionally addressed over of the three years of the EM, as well as the themes of Modern or Contemporary Physics. My interest is to influence the teacher to change his or her perspective as a teacher and to encourage openness to the use of new ways of organizing classes: the teacher as mediator of the teaching/learning process and classes with formats that allow student participation in the knowledge. In current times, the student should be encouraged to participate more and more in the organization and development of classes. He should be encouraged to read/study the teaching material before the classes, so that the lesson has another dynamic, not more of presentation of the content, but of discussion of this content. The class becomes a "review" with questions answered in the classroom, discussing the explanations between them (IpC) with the use of the "Test of Concept". The classroom should become a place of work and study and not just the place where there is a "teacher-speaker" who speaks and expounds the subjects to be "studied" by the students. In an approach of this type, one can work with traditional didactic materials, para-didactic materials, one can try to produce the own didactic materials and use the WWW network as source of the most diverse information on a given subject.

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